How to Properly Dispose of Ticks

Check Your Pet for Ticks Routinely

Check your pet for ticks often to remove them and identify the species with your vet's help. Daily checks are best in warm months, and as often as possible in winter.

How to Check for Ticks on Pets

Be thorough when checking your pet for ticks. Focus on dark, warm areas like ears, armpits, and groin. Use your hands or a fine-toothed comb to inspect the fur, looking for small, firm bumps.

Tick Inspection Tips

Start at one end of your pet and move toward the tail. Repeat from the head to the paws. Frequent checks make it easier to find ticks. Black bumps with visible tick bodies are signs of ticks.

How to Remove Ticks

Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick close to the skin. Pull upward with even pressure. Avoid twisting or jerking to prevent leaving tick parts in the skin. 

Disposing of Ticks

Do not crush or flush ticks. Place the tick in a sealed bag or tape. Your vet may need to identify the tick to check for possible diseases.

Avoid Harmful Tick Removal Methods

Avoid using burning, petroleum jelly, or nail polish remover to remove ticks. These methods are ineffective and can harm your pet. Do not use rubbing alcohol on ticks.

Tips for Safe Tick Removal

If the tick's head breaks off, soak the area in warm water. Stop if your pet seems distressed or the area becomes irritated. Contact your vet for assistance.

Keep Ticks for Identification

Store removed ticks in a sealed container labeled with the date and location found on your pet. Consult your vet for identification and to check for potential disease transmission.