7 Reasons Why Your Cat Is Not Eating and What To Do

Upper respiratory infections can make cats lose their appetite. Stuffy noses hinder their ability to smell food, causing them to eat less. 

Your Cat May Be Sick

Oral diseases, like tartar, gingivitis, or cancerous tumors, can cause cats to stop eating due to pain. Look for bad breath, drooling, or bleeding from the mouth. 

Your Cat May Have a Dental Issue

Gastrointestinal problems, including obstructions, cancer, or pancreatitis, can reduce a cat's appetite. Nausea from various conditions also affects eating habits. 

Your Cat May Have a Gastrointestinal Issue

Coughing, fatigue, and difficulty breathing from congestive heart failure can decrease a cat s interest in food. Medications or new prescribed foods for heart disease might also affect their appetite.

Your Cat May Have Congestive Heart Failure

Post-illness or hospitalization, cats might associate certain foods with feeling sick and develop aversions. 

Your Cat May Be Recovering From an Illness or Hospital Stay

Emotional stress, anxiety, or depression can lead to a loss of appetite in cats. Events like losing a family member can trigger these emotions. 

Your Cat May Be Experiencing Stress

Nasal polyps or tumors can affect a cat s sense of smell and appetite. Tumors in the nose can be painful, making eating difficult.

Your Cat May Have Nasal Diseases