Is Organic Dog Food Better?

Is Organic Dog Food Better? Do you think organic dog food is better than normal dog food? We usually think that food that says “organic” in big letters is better for us because it is. But a lot of people don’t really know what the term means, and if we can’t figure that out, we can’t say for sure if organic dog food is better for your pet.

You want to know what the best food is for your dog, of course. But every dog is different, and some items will work better for some dogs than for others. If you want to know if organic meat and vegetables are better for your dog and what the benefits of organic dog food are, this piece is for you.

What does organic mean?

If a food label says “organic,” it means that it was grown and processed according to government rules. These rules look at a lot of things, like the quality of the land, how animals are raised, how to get rid of pests and weeds, and how additives are used.

For this reason, organic farmers use only natural materials and growing methods that are based on physics, biology, or mechanics.

Organic farmers try to make good food by using methods that are good for the whole food chain. People, the world, plant health, and animal welfare are all the goals of this farming method, which is why many see it as a more environmentally friendly way to grow food.

Also, Read – Why Should I Eat Organic Food?

What makes dog food organic?

In the same way, organic dog food is made from products that were grown without using ionizing radiation, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

For organic meat, the animals must be raised in a way that lets them do what they naturally do. They only eat pure food and can’t have been given antibiotics or growth hormones.

Organic foods must have at least 95% organic products and will have a USDA organic seal on them.

Types of organic dog food

There are three kinds of organic dog food, which will change how they are marketed. These are them:

100% Organic

It’s exactly what it sounds like: food made with only organic ingredients. When you read the label, you’ll see “certified organic by…” and it might have the USDA-certified organic seal. Most likely, the sticker will be put on the front of the dog food with pride.


The most well-known type of organic dog food on the market, this one is made with at least 95% organic ingredients. There can be no more than 5% non-organic ingredients, and those must be on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. A lot of the materials need to be organic.

Also, Read – 10 Superfoods To Consider Adding To Your Diet

Made with Organic Ingredients

This means that at least 70% of the products used to make the food are organic, and the other 30% must follow strict rules, such as not having any GMOs. It’s important to know that dog foods with less than 70% organic products might not put the organic claims on the front of the box, but they might put them on the side.

Natural dog food and organic dog food

People often mix up natural dog food and organic dog food. Foods that are natural for dogs don’t have any added chemicals, like preservatives, colorings, or flavors.

Non-GMO foods are made without using any chemicals or medicines, and they don’t have any extra ingredients.

Why is organic food good for dogs?

Like people, dogs can be affected by pesticides and medicines, which have been linked to a number of health problems, such as digestive issues and diseases. Organic food, which doesn’t contain any antibiotics or chemicals, might be better for you and your dog’s health.

Is organic dog food better?

Organic dog food might be good for your dog, but they don’t have to eat organic to be healthy. Organic food may be better for your dog because it has more nutrients like vitamins and fatty acids, but there isn’t a big difference between organic food and regular dog food when it comes to health benefits.

Dog food that is “complete and balanced” already gives your dog all the nutrients it needs, so you don’t have to buy organic food for your dog to be healthy.

But organic food may be better for the environment and includes fewer pesticide residues. It all depends on what’s important to you and your dog and how much you can spend.

Is organic food more expensive?

It makes sense that many pet owners don’t switch to organic dog food because it costs more than other dog foods. If you want to know why organic dog food costs so much, here are some of the reasons:

  • Like some conventional farmers, organic farmers don’t get government grants.
  • It costs more to farm organically than to farm normally.
  • Since organic farms are usually smaller, they can’t take advantage of economies of scale like bigger growers can.


There are no drugs, GMOs, pesticides, genetic engineering, or chemical fertilizers used in the making of organic dog food. Now that organic food is easy to find in stores, a lot of people are also interested in what might be good for our pet friends if we feed them this food.