Australia is renowned for its diverse and often dangerous snake population, making it a continent where encounters with venomous snakes are a real possibility. The continent’s unique ecosystem has given rise to a variety of snake species, some of which are considered highly dangerous due to their venomous nature. Here, we’ll explore eight types of snakes found in different regions, ranked by their perceived danger level in 2024.
Red-Bellied Snake
The Red-Bellied Snake, also known as the Mojave rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus), is a small but highly venomous snake. Despite its small size, it possesses potent venom, making it a significant threat to humans and other animals. This snake is known for its potentially lethal bite, and encounters with it should be approached with extreme caution.
Cottonmouth Moccasin
The Cottonmouth Moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus) is a water snake found in the swamps, ponds, and rivers of the southern United States. While not an Australian species, it is distinct among snakes found in North America and is known for its aggressive behavior and potent venom, making it a dangerous snake to encounter.
Western Brown Snake
The Western Brown Snake, scientifically known as Pseudonaja nuchalis, is found in Australia and is considered one of the less hazardous snakes on the continent. Despite being less dangerous compared to some other Australian snakes, it still poses a threat due to its venomous nature, especially in the western mainlands of the continent.
Eastern Brown Snake
The Eastern Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis) is one of the most feared snakes in eastern Australia. According to reports, it is responsible for causing the deaths of about two Australians each year, making it a highly dangerous species with potentially lethal venom.
Gaboon Viper
The Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica) is a snake native to the rainforests and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa. It is known for having the largest fangs of any snake species, and its venom is highly potent, making it a significant danger to humans and other animals.
Death Adder
The Death Adder, or Acanthophis antarcticus, is a highly venomous snake found in Australia. Its name aptly reflects its deadly nature, and encounters with this snake should be avoided due to the potential for severe envenomation and life-threatening consequences.
The Terciopelo, also known as the fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper), is a highly dangerous snake native to South and Central America. Its potent venom and aggressive behavior make it a significant threat to humans, and its bite can result in severe envenomation.