10 Perfect Tank Mates for Your Betta

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins. However, they also have a reputation for being aggressive. Finding suitable tank mates for your betta can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here are ten perfect tank mates that can peacefully coexist with your betta.

1. Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are small, colorful fish that can make excellent companions for your betta. Their vibrant blue and red colors complement the betta’s striking appearance. Neon tetras are peaceful and prefer to swim in schools, which can add lively movement to your tank. It’s essential to keep them in groups of at least six to ensure they feel secure and exhibit their natural behaviors. Since neon tetras are fast swimmers, they can easily avoid any occasional aggression from the betta, making them a harmonious addition to a community tank.

2. Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras catfish, or cory cats, are bottom-dwellers that can peacefully coexist with bettas. These small, social catfish thrive in groups of four or more and are known for their gentle nature. They spend most of their time scavenging the tank floor for food, which means they rarely interact with the betta. Cory cats are also hardy fish that can adapt to various water conditions, making them an excellent choice for beginners. Their presence can help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food, reducing waste buildup and maintaining water quality.

3. Harlequin Rasboras

 Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin rasboras are another excellent option for betta tank mates. These small, peaceful fish have a distinctive black triangular patch on their bodies, contrasting beautifully with their orange or red hues. Harlequin rasboras prefer to swim in groups of six or more, creating a dynamic and visually appealing environment. They are mid-level swimmers, which means they occupy a different part of the tank than the betta, reducing the chances of conflict. Their calm demeanor and similar water parameter requirements make them an ideal companion for your betta.

4. Kuhli Loaches

 Kuhli Loaches

Kuhli loaches are unique, eel-like fish that make fascinating additions to a betta tank. These nocturnal creatures are peaceful and prefer to hide during the day, coming out at night to forage for food. Kuhli loaches thrive in groups of three or more and need plenty of hiding spots, such as caves and plants, to feel secure. Their bottom-dwelling nature and reclusive behavior mean they rarely interact with the betta, minimizing any potential aggression. Kuhli loaches also help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food and detritus.

5. Ember Tetras

Ember Tetras

Ember tetras are small, fiery-colored fish that can add a splash of color to your betta tank. These peaceful fish are best kept in schools of six or more, which helps them feel secure and exhibit natural behaviors. Ember tetras are mid-level swimmers and are known for their calm demeanor, making them suitable companions for bettas. Their bright orange color contrasts beautifully with the betta’s hues, creating a visually stunning aquarium. With similar water parameter requirements, ember tetras and bettas can thrive together in a well-maintained tank.

6. Snails


Snails, such as Nerite or Mystery snails, can be excellent tank mates for bettas. These slow-moving creatures help keep the tank clean by eating algae and leftover food, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. Snails are peaceful and non-aggressive, making them ideal companions for bettas. They also add a unique element to the tank with their interesting shells and movements. It’s essential to ensure that the tank has enough calcium to support the snails’ shell health and that the betta doesn’t nip at their antennae.

7. Ghost Shrimp

Ghost Shrimp

Ghost shrimp are transparent, peaceful crustaceans that can coexist with bettas. These tiny shrimp help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food and detritus. Ghost shrimp are generally too small and fast for bettas to catch, making them a low-risk addition to the tank. They prefer to hide among plants and decorations, reducing their visibility and interactions with the betta. Providing plenty of hiding spots ensures that the ghost shrimp feel secure and can thrive in the tank. Their presence adds diversity and helps maintain a balanced ecosystem.

8. Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus catfish, or otos, are small, algae-eating fish that can be beneficial companions for bettas. These peaceful catfish are known for their excellent algae-cleaning abilities, helping to keep the tank spotless. Otos are social creatures that thrive in groups of three or more and prefer well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots. Their gentle nature and bottom-dwelling habits mean they rarely interact with the betta, minimizing any potential aggression. Otos are also sensitive to water quality, so maintaining a clean and stable tank environment is crucial for their well-being.

9. Rummy Nose Tetras

9. Rummy Nose Tetras

Rummy nose tetras are distinctive fish with bright red noses and striped tails, adding a unique touch to your betta tank. These peaceful fish thrive in schools of six or more and prefer to swim in the mid-level of the tank. Rummy nose tetras are known for their calm demeanor and ability to adapt to similar water conditions as bettas. Their striking appearance and schooling behavior create an engaging and dynamic environment. Providing plenty of hiding spots and plants ensures that both the betta and the tetras feel secure and can coexist peacefully.

10. Pygmy Corydoras

Pygmy Corydoras

Pygmy corydoras are tiny, social catfish that can be excellent tank mates for bettas. These small fish thrive in groups of six or more and prefer well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots. Pygmy corydoras are bottom-dwellers and spend most of their time scavenging the tank floor for food, reducing their interactions with the betta. Their peaceful nature and similar water parameter requirements make them an ideal choice for a betta community tank. Additionally, their presence helps keep the tank clean by consuming leftover food and reducing waste buildup.

Adding tank mates to a betta aquarium can enhance the tank’s aesthetics and create a more dynamic environment. By choosing compatible species, you can ensure a peaceful and harmonious community tank. Remember to provide plenty of hiding spots, maintain water quality, and monitor interactions to ensure the well-being of all your aquatic pets.